Thank You Jordan School District Education Support Professionals!

A flyer thanking Jordan School District's ESPsPlease take a minute to join us in thanking all of the Education Support Professionals working beside you today. This is National Education Support Professionals Day honoring a long list of professionals who keep schools running smoothly. They include administrative assistants, classroom aides, cafeteria workers, maintenance workers, bus drivers, custodians and others who support educators, school leadership, and students in our schools. These professionals do their part in making public schools a place where students can be safe, learn, grow, and achieve.

Education Support Professionals perform a wide variety of jobs which promote quality education, foster positive learning environments, offer nutritious meals, provide reliable transportation and maintain safe and clean schools for everyone.

We appreciate our amazing Education Support Professionals today and every single day!

West Jordan Middle School Health Teacher Honored by State for Going Above and Beyond

Picture of Kathy HowaShe is a valued teacher who approaches everything with a positive attitude. That is just one reason why West Jordan Middle School’s Kathy Howa is being honored as the November “Teacher Spotlight for Health and Physical Education” by the Utah State Board of Education (USBE).

The nomination for Ms. Howa said, in part, “Kathy is amazing and positive all the time. She goes above and beyond in her job. She is a joy to collaborate with and is always so kind and grateful. She consistently seeks out new ways to help her students. She seeks out ways to be a better teacher each day. All around, she is “the salt of the earth.”

Everyone at West Jordan Middle feels fortunate to work with Ms. Howa and the District is proud of her many accomplishments.

Congratulations, Kathy Howa!

Out of Boundary Permit Applications for 2023-24 Now Open

The school choice open enrollment (permit) window for the 2023-24 school year is now open.  Students currently attending on a school choice permit will NOT need to reapply for a permit if they are remaining at the same school for the 2023-24 school year. Students who desire to move schools or any student currently on the waitlist without a permit must reapply to be considered for a 2023-24 permit.

The 2023-24 school choice application is available below:

Please note: These links will forward you to the permit application and must be entered without an “https”.

To view the school choice permit procedures, visit the Open Enrollment/School Choice page.

La ventana de inscripción abierta (permiso) de elección de escuela para el año escolar 2023-24 ya está abierta. Los estudiantes que actualmente asisten con un permiso de elección de escuela NO necesitarán volver a solicitar un permiso si permanecerán en la misma escuela para el año escolar 2023-24. Los estudiantes que deseen mudarse de escuela o cualquier estudiante que se encuentre actualmente en la lista de espera sin un permiso deben volver a presentar una solicitud para ser considerados para un permiso 2023-24.

La solicitud de elección de escuela 2023-24 está disponible en:

Tenga en cuenta: estos enlaces lo reenviarán a la solicitud de permiso y deben ingresarse sin un “https”.

Para ver los procedimientos de permiso de elección de escuela, visite

South Valley School Students Giving Back by Volunteering at Local Animal Shelter

Picture of Sandy 
City Mayor, South Valley Principal, students and animal shelter staffIt is a labor of love for some students and staff at the South Valley School in Jordan School District. Twice a week they volunteer at the Sandy Animal Shelter working hard doing things like feeding the animals, cleaning cages, and filling water bowls. But the students also get to socialize with the animals and help to name some of them up for adoption.

Sandy Mayor Monica Zoltanski and the Director of Animal Services, Ian Williams, recently met with the students to thank them for their service and the impact their work is having on the shelter. Mayor Zoltanski said the South Valley students have such positive attitudes and great work ethics. The students are grateful for the opportunity to help the shelter and animals, and learn employment skills which will be valuable to them in the future.

Thank you to everyone involved, supporting students who want to give back and help animals at the same time.

Virtual School Students Come Together Volunteering In-Person for a “Day of Service” to Create Community Connections

Students enrolled in the Jordan Virtual Learning Academy came together in-person for a full “Day of Service.” They want to build community connections with people who may need just a little something to smile about as we head into the holiday season. The K-12 online students left their screen time behind for a while to participate in hands-on activities they hope will help the community around them.

Students participated in four different service projects:

  • Marking “Yarn Puff Balls” to Be Used as Snowballs in Snowball Fights. They are for Kauri Sue Hamilton students with physical challenges that may keep them from going outside for a snowball fight this winter.
  • Decorating Food Boxes for the Utah Food Bank. The decorated boxes will be used to brighten the day for those receiving free food deliveries.
  • Making Holiday Greeting Cards for Seniors. The greeting cards will be distributed to local nursing homes for residents to sign and send to loved ones.
  • Making Warm Winter Quilts for Kids. The quilts will be donated to Primary Children’s Hospital.

Thank you to students, teachers, staff and parents who were a part of this “Day of Service,” making a difference in the lives of others.