What Students Need Most

Wellness Wednesday Logo

During the recent 4th of July weekend, most students likely saw some fireworks. The beautiful thing about this shared experience is just that, it’s a shared experience. People don’t have to agree on much to sit together and watch fireworks.

Being with others who are also enjoying the moment doesn’t just enhance the moment, it creates it. Each person has a deep need to feel a part of a community, a sense of belonging, and connection with others. This need can be especially difficult to meet as a young person in today’s world.

So, while students were watching fireworks there were a few moments of freedom from some of the biggest barriers to more connection.

  • Freedom from competition, because nobody wins at watching a firework show.
  • Freedom from criticism, because you aren’t getting a grade for doing it “right.”
  • Freedom from feeling different, because the others around are also enjoying the moment.

Every child needs more moments like this weekend’s fireworks. Moments where we stop competing, criticizing, or focusing on differences. Each of us, especially students, needs to spend time with people every day, enjoying simple moments and connecting on common ground.

While there may not be fireworks every day, taking a few minutes to be present with someone else is not just a nice moment, it’s a necessity for everyone’s health and wellness. We hope you have a great week!

Custodians Hard at Work Over Summer Months Making Schools & Buildings Sparkle

Custodian Cleaning FloorsThey are polishing floors, deep cleaning bathrooms and making every inch of our schools and buildings sparkle. Take a minute out of your day to say thank you to custodians who are hard at work over the summer months to make sure students return to schools that are clean, well maintained and welcoming.

These valuable employees contribute to the important first impressions in our schools and buildings, they lend a helping hand wherever they are needed and they never miss a beat, even in the summer heat. They are such an important part of the Jordan School District family.

Thank you, custodians!

Excitement Building as Work Progresses on New Oak Leaf Elementary School in Herriman

Principal Ronna Hoffman has already hired a rock star staff dedicated to preparing students for success and now the brand-new elementary school in Herriman is getting closer to completion.

Right now, crews are busy laying carpet inside Oak Leaf Elementary and in a few weeks furniture and fixtures will arrive. Outside, concrete is going in around the school.

Mrs. Hoffman says students will choose school colors and a mascot when they arrive in August for the beginning of the new school year.

Oak Leaf Elementary School is located at 6936 Silver Sky Drive in Herriman.

Jordan School District is excited about the educational opportunities and new traditions which will be established at Oak Leaf Elementary!

Supercast Episode 146: Talented Student on Fast Track to Achieving Dream of Becoming an Olympic Athlete

Dr. Godfrey standing with Ray Shim at the Utah Olympic Oval He is on a fast track to achieving his dream of one day competing in the Winter Olympics.

On this episode of the Supercast, we head to the Olympic Speedskating Oval in Kearns where Ray Shim, who just completed 9th grade at Mountain Creek Middle School, hits the ice for another grueling practice. Ray has already set a national record in short track speed skating and soon he will be competing in higher level races like the American Cup and World Cup trials as he strives to make his Olympic dreams come true.

Fitness, Fun and Friendship Building with Riverton Police and Oquirrh Hills Middle Students

Students exercise with officer Ash They are building on fitness and physical strength along with friendships at Oquirrh Hills Middle School this summer. The school has partnered with Riverton City and police to offer summertime group fitness and coordination classes for incoming 7th and 8th grade students. The free classes are an opportunity to come together, get fit and build relationships between students and law enforcement.

Thanks to everyone involved in this amazing summer opportunity, including Riverton City, Oquirrh Hills Middle School and Resource Officer Michael Ashley!