Happy Teacher Appreciation Week!

Picture collage of teachersPlease take the time to give Jordan School District teachers a big thank you this week as we celebrate Teacher Appreciation Week 2022!

This is a week for honoring teachers and recognizing the lasting contributions they make in the lives of students. We thank all JSD teachers for their kindness, generosity and patience working with students. We honor them for their dedication to the job and willingness to try new things.

We also want to thank our substitute teachers for the important work they do in our classrooms, supporting education and students throughout the District.

Jordan Youth Symphony Simply Amazing in Performance Prior to Board Meeting

Picture of Youth Symphony PerformingIt was a special treat for parents, family, friends and members of the Jordan School District Board of Education. The Jordan Youth Symphony came together for a special evening performance at the JATC South in Riverton and they were simply amazing.

The Jordan Youth Symphony is an audition symphony made up of 65 students representing nine middle schools in the District. They perform throughout the year at events like the Festival of Trees and the Youth Orchestra Invitational.

Congratulations to the talented musicians on a great performance. Thank you to Eric Perkins, Keith Davis and Jennifer Clark for your dedication and hard work guiding the students to musical success.

Rocky Peak Virtual Elementary Staff Get Slimed for a Good Cause

Staff at Rocky Peak Virtual Elementary after getting slimed Students and teachers at Rocky Peak Virtual Elementary School participated in ‘Walk to Read’ this school year and worked toward the program’s reading goals. Principal Ross Menlove promised if they hit their goals, they would get to slime staff members.

Recently, the students reached their reading goals, and Principal Menlove followed through with his promise by getting slimed, along with the school’s digital and instructional coaches.

Great job to the students and staff at Rocky Peak Virtual Elementary for hitting your reading goals. And, great job to the Rocky Peak staff for finding a fun way to reward students for their hard-earned accomplishments.

Student Artwork on Display for Public During District Art Show

Middle school and high school students from across Jordan District are showing off their artistic talents with an art show at the Viridian Center/West Jordan City Library. The artwork displayed is incredible featuring everything from paintings and drawings to sculptures and photography. The pieces are unique and colorful, all created by young student artists.

The works of art will be on display in the lobby of the library.

  • April 18-29, High School Art Show
  • May 9-20, Middle School Art Show

Congratulations to the amazing young artists in Jordan School District!

Happy Spring Break!

Spring Break SignIt is Spring Break and we want to wish everyone a safe, fun and relaxing time away.

The District Office will be closed Friday, April 15 and Monday, April 18. All students return to school on Monday, April 25.

Enjoy everyone!