Financial Facts from the Board: Your Investment in Students and Education, Teacher Pay

Did you know Jordan School District relies on you to invest in our students and their education?
Jordan School District has worked hard to provide teachers and school staff the pay increases they so deserve. The Board of Education has consistently increased teacher pay and right now the starting pay for teachers in Jordan is competitive with surrounding districts.

Teacher Pay

Teacher Pay Increases

Want to know more about how District Dollars are working for you?  Please visit our Financial Facts from the Board of Education page.

The Power of Sleep

Wellness Wednesday LogoGetting enough sleep is likely the most important thing any person can do to improve their overall health and wellness. Unfortunately, sleep has been under appreciated in our modern culture as people who “sleep less and do more” are often rewarded for this unhealthy behavior. Some people even wear their lack of sleep like a badge of honor, because they are so busy doing “more important” things.

When it comes to health and overall wellness, sleep is not only important, but absolutely essential. Adequate sleep boosts your immune system and memory, increases your energy and metabolism, balances your mood and emotions, and truly affects ALL aspects of your everyday life.

Sleep is an aspect of wellness worth an intentional, daily effort, and this daily effort to maintain good sleep can be referred to as “sleep hygiene.” Just like regular hygiene, sleep hygiene is dependent on every day actions. Here are some ideas of daily acts that you can try to improve the sleep hygiene of your family, including kids.

  • Eliminate caffeine after 3pm
  • Silence alerts on a cell phone (including any flashes of light)
  • Stop screen time an hour before bedtime
  • Spend time in the sun or outside each day
  • Spend time being active every day, even 20 minutes of exercise per day can enhance sleep.
  • Set a consistent, daily wake-up time and let your body adjust with a consistent bedtime (shoot for at least 8 hours!)
  • Try a meditation from an app or audio clip

Listen to your body! You may have your own ideas for improving your sleep hygiene. Try them out and keep track of their impact. Every intentional effort to prioritize better sleep, will give back in enhanced wellness. It’s worth the effort!

A Day Filled with Lots of Fun for Students at Mountain Shadows Elementary School

Wrapping teacher in toilet paperBefore leaving on summer break, students were treated to a full day of fun at Mountain Shadows Elementary School. Teachers took on 6th grade students in a kickball tournament followed by an afternoon of silly games and good times. Students watched as teachers puckered up and kissed a pig, had fun with silly string, were wrapped in toilet paper and took pies to their faces.

Principal Susuicco was even turned into a human sundae along with some other fun-loving teachers.

Thanks to everyone who made the end of the school year a fun and memorable one at Mountain Shadows Elementary School!

School Bus Drivers Conquer Serious Obstacle Course in Bus Safety Challenge Competition

A bus competing in the safety challenge It is an event focused on school bus driver safety and sharpening skills. Dozens of school bus drivers competed in Jordan School District’s “Bus Safety Challenge.” The challenge put school bus driver skills to the test as the drivers snaked their way through a series of traffic cones, navigated a diminishing clearance, curbside parked, conquered an offset alley and more. The bus drivers received points based on how well they did in the different safety challenges and judges determined the best of the best behind the wheel.

Thank you to everyone involved in producing this safety challenge and to our school bus drivers for their participation and making safety a priority!

Drum Bus to Make Its Debut, Driving Throughout Jordan School District Inspiring Students

Picture of Drum BusIt will likely turn more than a few heads as it hits the road inspiring students in music and the Arts. Jordan School District is debuting a Drum Bus in the upcoming school year, which was the brainchild of Majestic Elementary Arts Academy Principal Marianne Johansen and her team. The colorful bus was painted by Majestic Arts Academy students and staff, along with a little help from Superintendent Anthony Godfrey. It was retrofitted on the inside to allow students to sit down for drum, percussion and other music lessons. The Drum Bus will travel throughout the District making music, inspiring students to get involved in music and the Arts.

We applaud Principal Johansen and her staff for giving students another fun and unique opportunity to participate in music and the Arts.